2019 Tucker JA and Tarlo HAB ‘Poetry, painting and change on the edge of England’ Sociologia Ruralis
2019 Tucker JA Walking Backwards: art between places in twenty-first century Britain in Walking: Landscape and Environment ed David Borthwick Taylor and Francis (forthcoming accepted)
2018 Tucker JA. In the Open: collaborative artworks around place, landscape and environment, Plumwood Mountain: An Australian Journal Of Ecopoetry And Ecopoetics Volume 5 number 2.
2017 Tucker JA and Tarlo HAB ‘Drawing closer’: an ecocritical consideration of collaborative, cross-disciplinary practices of walking, writing, drawing and exhibiting in Extending Ecocriticism: crisis, collaboration and challenges in the environmental humanities. eds Welstead and Barry, MUP
2017 Tucker JA and Tarlo HAB
“Off path, counter path”: contemporary collaborations in landscape, art and poetry” Critical Survey Peer reviewed journal
2012 Tucker JA Brooding on Bornholm: postmemory, painting and place in Jones O.and Garde-Hansen, J. (eds) Geography and Memory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
2011 Tucker J. On the Beach at Bornholm: Journal of Visual Art Practice
2010 Tucker J. The Lido in the Forest: Painting, Memory and Subjectivity in Memory, Mourning and Landscape: Interdisciplinary Essays eds Elizabeth Anderson, Avril Maddrell, Kate McLoughlin and Alana Vincent. Rodopi Press Amsterdam. \
2009 Tucker J. Belated Landscapes: A Second-Generation Aesthetic Practice in a British Context Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC)
2006 ‘Resort: re/visiting, re/visioning, re/placing’, Journal of Visual Art Practice5: 1, pp. 95–106, doi: 10.1386/jvap.5.1.95/1
Conference papers and talks
2019 Keynote speaker at ASLE UKI biennial conference at University of Plymouth
2019 Paradise Renegotiated: Inter, Cross, Multi, Trans A Panel on Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration at ASLE UC Davis California U.S.A.
2019 Invited speaker Landscape, Place and Environment in Contemporary British Art at 'Made in Britain, Made in Poland' at the Gdansk Academy of Fine Art Poland
2019 Invited to offer a “masterclass” Painting Place: Exploring Memory, Identity and Becoming to the School of Fine Art at Gdansk Academy of Fine Art
2018 Landscape, Place and Environment in Contemporary British Art invited speaker at Yantai University China
2018 Symposium and exchange with Chinese artists at Yantai Art Museum, China
2018 Invited speaker at Groundwork Gallery and Norfolk Wildlife Trust events Cley and King;s Lynn
2018 invited speaker at Arthouse1 Bermondsey, Getting Away
2018 Invited speaker at Huddersfield Art Gallery: People, Places and Painting symposium
2018 Invited speaker at Institute of Contemporary Art London. Frames of Representation: Symposium
2017 Xi'an Academy of Fine Art, China
2017 Between us: British painting in China Artall Gallery, Nanjing, China
2017 Poetry, Painting and Change on the Edge of England XXVIIth ESRS conference – Uneven processes of rural change: On diversity, knowledge and justice, Krakow, Poland
2017 Outfalls: lines of navigation at Neverends: art, music, text in place public at Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire
2017 Painting; Writing Painting; Painting and Drawing with Griselda Pollock and Catherine Ferguson Camberwell College of Arts UAL.
2016 Threadings, Bendings, Tanglings: Poetry, Painting and Place at Wildness without Wilderness”: The Poiesis of Energy and Instability The European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment Université Libre de Bruxelles (with Harriet Tarlo)
2016 Painting Place: Exploring Memory, Identity and Becoming
Exchanging Notes with China an Anglo –Chinese Painting Symposium, University of Suffolk (invited speaker)
2016 Place as Pause: the value of collaborative, cross-disciplinary practices in place
Landscape values: place and praxis, Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI Galway (with Harriet Tarlo)
2015 If you are that place: poetry, painting and land
ASLE UKI Green Knowledge Conference,
Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge (with Harriet Tarlo)
2015’Are you alive?’: Vital Materialist Practice in modernist and contemporary art, poetry and collaboration, Vibrant Matters Conference, University of Dundee, (with Harriet Tarlo)
2015 Public talk on Excavations and Estuaries project at Usher Gallery, Lincoln, with Harriet Tarlo
2014 Off path, counter path: contemporary collaborations in landscape “Of the Earth: Art, Photography, Writing and the Environment” conference, Plymouth University Keynote (with Harriet Tarlo)
2014 ‘Tributaries’, drawing and writing in landscape. At Landscape and Place symposium at ‘Landscape and Art Network’ (LAN) event. (with Harriet Tarlo)
2014 Public presentation on Tributaries at the Midsummer Poetry Festival Bank Street Arts, Sheffield. (with Harriet Tarlo)
2014 Drawing nearer: lines of movement, lines of sound.
Drawing and Place symposium at Plymouth College of Art (with Harriet Tarlo)
2014 It begins with a line in space: drawing and writing in landscape
–keynote at The Festival of Nature Gresham’s, Holt, Norfolk (with Harriet Tarlo)
2013 BETWEEN LINES IN SPACE: drawing and writing in landscape at the Excavations and Estuaries Seminar at Abbey Walk Gallery (with Harriet Tarlo)
2013 Tributaries: contemporary collaborations with neo-romanticism at Landscape and Uncertainty, Southampton City Art Gallery
2012 None of this was here: poetry and drawing in place at Mapping Spectral Traces 6 University of Minnesota USA
2012 It begins with a line in space: drawing and writing in landscape 8th biennial conference of ASLE-UKI,Composting Culture: Literature, Nature, Popular Culture, Science, Institute of Humanities and Creative Arts.University of Worcester Plenary. (with Harriet Tarlo)
2012 It begins with a line in space at Close to home: artists reconsider the local, An exhibition and symposium to celebrate ten years of the network Land2. A collaboration between Land2, East Street Arts and the School of Design, University of Leeds (with Harriet Tarlo)
2012 Haunted landscapes: concrete, coast and canvas
‘Forgotten’ War and Occupation Heritage: Shedding, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research,University of Cambridge UK
2012 'Spectres on the Beach': Haunted landscapes in material, affective and painted places at the Association of American Geographers, New Yprk USA
2012 Between Spectral Traces and Concrete Reminders: a Postmemorial
landscape? (Keynote) at ‘Situating States of Mind’, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne
2011 Haunted Landscapes: Concrete, Coast and Canvas.
Mapping Spectral Traces IV: Maynooth and Dublin, National University of Ireland Maynooth and the Irish Museum of Modern A
2010 Spectres on the Beach: Concrete Remains, Ghost Rockets and Pleasure Cruises at Exploring the Edge of Trauma The 7th Cultural Intersections International Colloquium, presented by: Kingston University, UK and McMaster University, Ontario,
2010 The Nature of Landscape: distillations of landscape and place Symposium Abbey Walk Gallery Lincolnshire.
2010 On the Beach at Bornholm: tourists, soldiers artists at Spectral Traces a LAND2 symposium at University of Leeds
2009 Tense at UCL Urban Laboratory Seminar: Landscape and Memory. University College, London
2009 Tense Keynote Speaker at Revisiting the Beach at the University of Newcastle.
2008 Drawing Away: Unstable Relations at All Over the Place: Drawing Place, Drawing Space, UWE, Bristol
2008 Memory Matters. Forgetting to Remember/Remembering to Forget’ Conference, University of Kent
2008 The Lido in the Forest: Painting, Memory and Subjectivity at Memory, Mourning, and Landscape, University of Glasgow
2007 Present Tense: Drawing Close to Death. 8th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal University of Bath
2007 Invited participant at Slip Frame a panel discussion on the space
between frames, looking at digital and film frames, painting, memory and
affect at the APT Gallery, London, organised by London Metropolitan University
2007 Invited participant at (Re)placements Memory Matters organised by Space and Place University of Minnesota U.S.A.. Financially supported by the University of Minnesota. U.S.A.
2006 Inside Out: Drawing the Domestic Uncanny. CongressCATH 2006 The Afterlife of Memory: Historia/Memoria/Amnesia (5 - 8 July, 2006, at the University of Leeds, UK.)
2005 Here and There: Why Represent Landscape? invited keynote speaker at ‘Common Ground’ Rugby Art Gallery and Museum in association with the University of Northampton and Landscape Research. (invited)
2005 Invited speaker at Migratory Aesthetics organised by the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) University of Amsterdam & Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History (Centre Cath) University of Leeds Financially Supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO),
2004 Painting Places: A Postmemorial ‘Landscape’? At Art After landscape:
Memory, Place and Identity. Conference organised by University of the West of England and University of Leeds..
2004 -Painting Places: A Postmemorial ‘Landscape’?
At The Politics of Cultural Memory Manchester Metropolitan University
2003 ‘Painting and Postmemory’ at More Than a Change of Address. The conference of the Second Generation at the Weiner Library, London
2002 Inaugural seminar of LAND2 research network at University of the West of England Bristol (Invited)
2002 ‘Painting Landscape: Mediating Dislocation’ at Creativity, Culture, Environment, the biennial conference of the UK branch of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. University of Leeds.
2002 ‘Painting as a Place to go Places’ at Internationalism and Arts of Cross-Culture, a conference in association with the journal The Cutting Edge, Peterborough School of Art(s) and Leicester University held at the British Psychological Society, London. (Invited)