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  • 2019 Tucker JA and Tarlo HAB ‘Poetry, painting and change on the edge of England’ Sociologia Ruralis 

  • 2019 Tucker JA Walking Backwards: art between places in twenty-first century Britain in Walking: Landscape and Environment ed David Borthwick Taylor and Francis (forthcoming accepted)


  • 2018 Tucker JA. In the Open: collaborative artworks around place, landscape and environment, Plumwood Mountain: An Australian Journal Of Ecopoetry And Ecopoetics Volume 5 number 2.

  • 2017 Tucker JA and Tarlo HAB ‘Drawing closer’: an ecocritical consideration of collaborative, cross-disciplinary practices of walking, writing, drawing and exhibiting in Extending Ecocriticism: crisis, collaboration and challenges in the environmental humanities. eds Welstead and Barry, MUP


  • 2017 Tucker JA and Tarlo HAB
    “Off path, counter path”: contemporary collaborations in landscape, art and poetry” Critical Survey Peer reviewed journal


  • 2012 Tucker JA Brooding on Bornholm: postmemory, painting and place in Jones O.and Garde-Hansen, J. (eds) Geography and Memory. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan


  • 2011 Tucker J. On the Beach at Bornholm: Journal of Visual Art Practice


  • 2010 Tucker J. The Lido in the Forest: Painting, Memory and Subjectivity in Memory, Mourning and Landscape: Interdisciplinary Essays eds Elizabeth Anderson, Avril Maddrell, Kate McLoughlin and Alana Vincent. Rodopi Press Amsterdam. \


  • 2009 Tucker J. Belated Landscapes: A Second-Generation Aesthetic Practice in a British Context Journal for the Study of British Cultures (JSBC)


  • 2006 ‘Resort: re/visiting, re/visioning, re/placing’, Journal of Visual Art Practice5: 1, pp. 95–106, doi: 10.1386/jvap.5.1.95/1

Conference papers and talks

  • 2019 Keynote speaker at ASLE UKI biennial conference at University of Plymouth


  • 2019 Paradise Renegotiated: Inter, Cross, Multi, Trans A Panel on Interdisciplinarity and Collaboration at ASLE UC Davis California U.S.A.


  • 2019 Invited speaker Landscape, Place and Environment in Contemporary British Art at 'Made in Britain, Made in Poland' at the Gdansk Academy of Fine Art Poland


  • 2019 Invited to offer a “masterclass” Painting Place: Exploring Memory, Identity and Becoming to the School of Fine Art at Gdansk Academy of Fine Art


  • 2018 Landscape, Place and Environment in Contemporary British Art invited speaker at Yantai University China


  • 2018 Symposium and exchange with Chinese artists at Yantai Art Museum, China


  • 2018  Invited speaker at Groundwork Gallery and Norfolk Wildlife Trust events Cley and King;s Lynn


  • 2018 invited speaker at Arthouse1 Bermondsey, Getting Away


  • 2018 Invited speaker at Huddersfield Art Gallery: People, Places and Painting symposium


  • 2018 Invited speaker at Institute of Contemporary Art London. Frames of Representation: Symposium


  • 2017 Xi'an Academy of Fine Art, China


  • 2017 Between us: British painting in China Artall Gallery, Nanjing, China


  • 2017 Poetry, Painting and Change on the Edge of England XXVIIth ESRS conference – Uneven processes of rural change: On diversity, knowledge and justice, Krakow, Poland


  • 2017  Outfalls: lines of navigation at Neverends: art, music, text in place public at  Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre, Alexandra Dock, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire


  • 2017 Painting; Writing Painting; Painting and Drawing with Griselda Pollock and Catherine Ferguson Camberwell College of Arts UAL.


  • 2016 Threadings, Bendings, Tanglings: Poetry, Painting and Place at Wildness without Wilderness”: The Poiesis of Energy and Instability The European Association for the Study of Literature, Culture and Environment Université Libre de Bruxelles (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2016 Painting Place: Exploring Memory, Identity and Becoming

Exchanging Notes with China an Anglo –Chinese Painting Symposium, University of Suffolk (invited speaker)


  • 2016 Place as Pause: the value of collaborative, cross-disciplinary practices in place

Landscape values: place and praxis, Centre for Landscape Studies, NUI Galway (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2015 If you are that place: poetry, painting and land

ASLE UKI Green Knowledge Conference,

Murray Edwards College, University of Cambridge (with Harriet Tarlo)

  • 2015’Are you alive?’: Vital Materialist Practice in modernist and contemporary art, poetry and collaboration, Vibrant Matters Conference, University of Dundee, (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2015 Public talk on Excavations and Estuaries project at Usher Gallery, Lincoln, with Harriet Tarlo


  • 2014 Off path, counter path: contemporary collaborations in landscape “Of the Earth: Art, Photography, Writing and the Environment” conference, Plymouth University Keynote (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2014 ‘Tributaries’, drawing and writing in landscape. At Landscape and Place symposium at ‘Landscape and Art Network’ (LAN) event. (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2014 Public presentation on Tributaries at the Midsummer Poetry Festival Bank Street Arts, Sheffield. (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2014 Drawing nearer: lines of movement, lines of sound.

            Drawing and Place symposium at Plymouth College of Art  (with Harriet Tarlo)


             2014  It begins with a line in space: drawing and writing in  landscape

           –keynote at The Festival of Nature Gresham’s, Holt, Norfolk (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2013  BETWEEN LINES IN SPACE: drawing and writing in landscape at the Excavations and Estuaries Seminar at Abbey Walk Gallery (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2013 Tributaries: contemporary collaborations with neo-romanticism at Landscape and Uncertainty, Southampton City Art Gallery


  • 2012 None of this was here: poetry and drawing in place at Mapping Spectral Traces 6 University of Minnesota USA


  • 2012 It begins with a line in space: drawing and writing in landscape 8th biennial conference of ASLE-UKI,Composting Culture: Literature, Nature, Popular Culture, Science, Institute of Humanities and Creative Arts.University of Worcester Plenary. (with Harriet Tarlo)


  • 2012 It begins with a line in space at Close to home: artists reconsider the local, An exhibition and symposium to celebrate ten years of the network Land2. A collaboration between Land2, East Street Arts and the School of Design, University of Leeds (with Harriet Tarlo)



  • 2012 Haunted landscapes: concrete, coast and canvas

‘Forgotten’ War and Occupation Heritage: Shedding, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research,University of Cambridge UK



  • 2012 Between Spectral Traces and Concrete Reminders:  a Postmemorial

 landscape?  (Keynote) at ‘Situating States of Mind’, University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne


  • 2011 Haunted Landscapes: Concrete, Coast and Canvas.

Mapping Spectral Traces IV: Maynooth and Dublin, National University of Ireland Maynooth and the Irish Museum of Modern A



  • 2010 Spectres on the Beach: Concrete Remains, Ghost Rockets and Pleasure Cruises at Exploring the Edge of Trauma  The 7th Cultural Intersections International Colloquium, presented by: Kingston University, UK  and McMaster University, Ontario,


  • 2010 The Nature of Landscape: distillations of landscape and place Symposium Abbey Walk Gallery Lincolnshire.



  • 2010 On the Beach at Bornholm: tourists, soldiers artists at Spectral Traces a LAND2 symposium at University of Leeds


  • 2009 Tense at UCL Urban Laboratory Seminar: Landscape and Memory. University College, London


  • 2009 Tense Keynote Speaker at Revisiting the Beach at the University of Newcastle.


  • 2008 Drawing Away: Unstable Relations at All Over the Place: Drawing Place, Drawing Space, UWE, Bristol


  • 2008 Memory Matters. Forgetting to Remember/Remembering to Forget’ Conference, University of Kent


  • 2008 The Lido in the Forest: Painting, Memory and Subjectivity  at Memory, Mourning, and Landscape, University of Glasgow


  • 2007 Present Tense: Drawing Close to Death. 8th International Conference on the Social Context of Death, Dying and Disposal University of Bath


  • 2007 Invited participant at Slip Frame a panel discussion on the space

       between frames, looking at digital and film frames, painting, memory and

       affect at the APT Gallery, London, organised by London Metropolitan University


  • 2007  Invited participant at (Re)placements Memory Matters organised by Space and Place University of Minnesota U.S.A.. Financially supported by the University of Minnesota. U.S.A.


  • 2006 Inside Out: Drawing the Domestic Uncanny. CongressCATH 2006 The Afterlife  of Memory: Historia/Memoria/Amnesia (5 - 8 July, 2006,  at the University of Leeds, UK.)


  • 2005 Here and There: Why Represent Landscape?  invited keynote speaker at ‘Common Ground’ Rugby Art Gallery and Museum in association with the University of Northampton and Landscape Research. (invited)


  • 2005 Invited speaker at Migratory Aesthetics  organised by the Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA) University of Amsterdam  &  Centre for Cultural Analysis, Theory and History (Centre Cath) University of Leeds    Financially Supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO),


  • 2004 Painting Places: A Postmemorial ‘Landscape’? At Art After landscape:

Memory, Place and Identity. Conference organised by University of the West of England and University of Leeds.. 


  • 2004 -Painting Places: A Postmemorial ‘Landscape’?

             At The Politics of Cultural Memory Manchester Metropolitan University


  • 2003 ‘Painting and Postmemory’ at More Than a Change of Address. The conference of the Second Generation at the Weiner Library, London


  • 2002 Inaugural seminar of LAND2 research network at University of the West of England Bristol (Invited)


  • 2002 ‘Painting Landscape: Mediating Dislocation’ at Creativity, Culture, Environment, the biennial conference of the UK branch of the Association for the Study of Literature and Environment. University of Leeds.



  • 2002 ‘Painting as a Place to go Places’ at Internationalism and Arts of Cross-Culture, a conference in association with the journal The Cutting Edge, Peterborough School of Art(s) and Leicester University held at the British Psychological Society, London. (Invited)

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